ASEA Ingredients

ASEA Redox Supplement

Each bottle of ASEA Redox Supplement contains 193 milligrams of chloride (6% Daily Value) and 125 milligrams of sodium (7% Daily Value).

As indicated on the bottle, ASEA contains “trace amounts of essential natural chlorine.” This is not the harsh chlorine found in pools or cleaning products but a natural compound derived from water and sodium chloride. Rigorous testing has confirmed that ASEA Redox Supplement is 100% safe, non-toxic, and native to the human body.


RENU 28 is formulated with the following key ingredients:

  • Water
  • Sodium Chloride – The essential ingredient for creating Redox Signaling molecules.
  • Sodium Magnesium Silicate – Acts as a thickening agent and emulsifier, giving RENU 28 its gel form without compromising the stability of Redox Signaling molecules. It is FDA-approved for direct skin contact, 100% non-toxic, non-carcinogenic, and safe for both humans and the environment.
  • Disodium Phosphate – A small amount is included as a buffer to lower the product’s pH, enhancing its effectiveness on the skin.

Please Remember

Important Notes About Ingredients

  • If you believe you’ve experienced an adverse reaction to ASEA Redox Supplement or RENU 28, please contact Associate Support by phone to report it.
  • ASEA is updating product labels to align with evolving international and legal requirements. While the labels may look different, the product, its ingredients, and its benefits remain unchanged. After all, why alter something so effective and trusted?